Warm Kindergarten Welcome

Please join us at 7:45am on September 11th at the playground to celebrate our incoming Kindergarteners! Coffee and donuts will be provided, and we will form a welcome line to give high-fives and waves as the Kindergartners walk into school for the first time. All are welcome to help support our new students (and their parents!) on this momentous day. 

Spirit Wear Orders are In! 

If you placed an order for spirit wear last year, your item(s) will be sent home with your child during the first week of school. Spirit wear items will also be available for sale at upcoming school events! If you have any questions about your order, please reach out to info@beaconhillpta.org

School Supply Fundraiser

We’ve raised about $4,000 towards our $15,000 goal for school supplies! Every year, the Beacon Hill PTA supports our school by raising the funds needed to purchase back-to-school supply items (markers, pens, paper, tissues, hand sanitizer etc) in bulk. In the past, families were asked to purchase supplies individually, but many students were left without adequate supplies. Purchasing in bulk supports teachers in having the supplies they need, allows school supplies to be purchased at a better rate, and ensures equitable access to school supplies. Our goal is to raise $15,000, which translates to about $40 per student across our 375 students. If you are in a position to do so, please donate an amount that is meaningful to you – your generosity is appreciated. 

Donate here: https://beaconhill-pta-school-supply-fundraiser.cheddarup.com

PTA Membership

Beacon Hill PTA is a group of parents, teachers, and community supporters. We work together to promote the education, health, and welfare of all students and their families. We focus on advocacy, community-building, and student enrichment. Membership is open to anyone who supports this mission. You do not have to be a member to attend PTA community meetings, events, and celebrations. The Beacon Hill PTA believes cost should not be a barrier to becoming a member of the PTA. Sponsored (free) membership is available. Membership in PTA is annual, so don’t forget to sign up for the new school year!

Join here: https://beacon-hill-pta-membership.cheddarup.com

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BHISPTA

Visit our website: beaconhillpta.org

On-Call Helpers Needed

We get it! Life is busy, and not everyone is able to commit to holding a position on the PTA. On-Call Helpers are folks who are interested in helping out, but can’t commit to larger roles, committees, or to things too far in advance. When extra help is needed, we’ll send out a short text to see who is around to help! Examples might include, “We’re short a few school dance chaperones tonight. Can anyone help at 7pm?” or “If anyone is free today, could you swing by Red Apple to pick up the teacher appreciation order?” These will be little opportunities for involvement that you can help out with if you’re free, or ignore if you’re not. No pressure!

Sign up here: https://on-call-helpers.cheddarup.com

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